2015年3月30日 星期一

【外文翻寫 / 中英對照新聞】印第安納州宣布HIV疫情進入緊急狀態 Indiana governor declares public health emergency due to HIV epidemic

編譯︱ 中文二 廖純慧
來源:Debra Goldschmidt, CNN ( http://goo.gl/b7c8F7)

(CNN) Indiana is declaring a public health emergency in one county due to an epidemic of HIV.

Gov. Mike Pence issued the order Thursday for Scott County, which has 79 confirmed cases of HIV since mid-December.

自去年十二月中旬以來,當地已有79件確診病例。州長Mike Pence為此宣布疫情告急。

The county averages about five new cases a year.

"Scott County is facing an epidemic of HIV, but this is not a Scott County problem; this is an Indiana problem," Pence said in a news release.

All the cases in the current outbreak are linked to injection drug use, primarily of the prescription opioid opana.

The declaration requires law enforcement, emergency agencies and health officials to develop a response plan that also includes hospitals and health care providers.

A team from the CDC Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention arrived Monday and is working with local and state health officials to stop the outbreak.

Their recommendations include a short-term needle exchange program and public awareness campaign focusing on safe sex, needle disposal, addiction services, and HIV testing and treatment.

HIV can take up to three months to appear in a person's system after they are infected. Health officials recommend people who have participated in risky behavior, such as needle sharing and unprotected sex, to be tested for HIV now and again in three months.

"I am confident that together we will stop this HIV outbreak in its tracks," Pence said.

2015年3月19日 星期四

【外文翻寫 / 中英對照新聞】法國搶匪公路竊珠寶Motorway thieves steal French jewels

來源:BBC's Lucy Williamson(http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31830452)

The BBC's Lucy Williamson says this was a "well-planned" operation and nobody was injured. Armed thieves have seized a reported €9m (£6m; $9.5m) worth of jewels from two armoured lorries at a French motorway toll booth.
持槍的歹徒在法國公路的收費亭挾持兩輛裝甲貨車, 竊走價值九百萬歐元(約新台幣三億元)的珠寶。

As many as 15 hooded attackers seized the vehicles at about midnight on Tuesday on the A6 motorway at Avallon, 220km (140 miles) south-east of Paris. The drivers were said to be unhurt and the lorries were later found abandoned some distance away. The gang is reported to have fled in the direction of Paris. The thieves were said to have waited for the security vehicles at the Avallon toll booth south-east of Auxerre, spraying some form of gas at the drivers when they arrived.

Local reports said the lorries had been carrying a consignment of diamonds, other jewels and works of art between Paris and the eastern city of Besancon.

The burnt-out lorries were being investigated on Wednesday by forensic scientists in a field near Quenne, further north along the A6, just outside Auxerre. Police have been searching Yonne and neighbouring regions for the attackers.

There have been a number of high-profile jewellery heists in France in recent years, most notably the theft of more than €92m (£65m; $100m) during two separate raids on a Harry Winston store in Paris.
這幾年來,在法國早有數起備受矚目的珠寶搶案發生,其中最值得注意的是發生在巴黎Harry Winston珠寶店,損失超過九千兩百萬歐元(約新臺幣三億元)的兩起搶案。

Some of the jewellery taken during the Harry Winston heist was later recovered.

Eight men were jailed earlier this year over the double heist. The first theft occurred in 2007, when four men pretending to be builders gained access to the building.

A year later, a gang of thieves again gained access, this time wearing women's clothing and wigs. They stole almost every jewel on display in the store.

In July 2013, about €103m (£89m; $136m) of gems were stolen during a dramatic armed raid at the Carlton Hotel in Cannes. The gunman seized diamond encrusted watches, necklaces and earrings from an exhibition.

Earlier that year, the Cannes film festival was rocked by two separate robberies, including the theft of a necklace worth €1.9m (£1.6m; $2m).

2015年3月18日 星期三

【外文翻寫 / 中英對照新聞】巴西示威者要求彈劾總統迪爾瑪.羅塞夫 Brazil protests demand impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff

 環工三 黃詠仁
來源: Barbara Arvanitidis and Dana Ford, CNN ( https://goo.gl/dN6NGy)

Demonstrators took to the streets across Brazil on Sunday, protesting corruption and demanding the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff.  

Her administration is struggling amid a weak economy and a massive corruption scandal involving the country's state-run oil company.

"I love Brazil. I love my country. And I am tired of corruption. We are tired of corruption. It doesn't matter which political party you are from, we are tired of being robbed," a protester told CNN in Sao Paulo, where people packed the main Paulista Avenue.

In Rio de Janeiro, they gathered along Copacabana beach, while in the capital, Brasilia, protesters marched on government headquarters.

The mood was festive. Many demonstrators wore the country's colors -- green, blue and yellow -- waved flags, and chanted: "Out Dilma."

Amid complaints about the economy, protesters say they are incensed because Brazilian investigators are unraveling a huge money-laundering and bribery case centered around Petrobras, the country's national oil company. Dozens of politicians, some in Rousseff's party, are accused of accepting millions in payments.

The President has not been implicated in the investigation, but she was the Energy Minister and chairwoman of Petrobras during much of the time that the alleged corruption took place.

Sunday night Rousseff sent two of her ministers to address the nation at a televised press conference. The justice minister and the general secretary said that the government was listening and would announce changes in several days designed to combat corruption.

The announcement did little to quiet the protests in some cities. Many protesters banged pots and pans and honked car horns.
CNN iReporter Bruno Teles with Avant Drones shot aerial footage of the crowds in Sao Paulo. He said, "Brazilians are tired of such corruption, lies and [the] bad economy."

Before becoming the country's first female president in 2011, Rousseff, from the Workers' Party, was chief of staff to former President Lula da Silva. She won re-election in October, in one of the tightest races in recent years, but has since seen her approval rate plummet along with the economy.

Brazil is headed into recession again this year, inflation is up and the currency is at a 12-year low.

Rousseff's approval rating down to 23% from 42% at the end of 2014, according to DataFolha. The economy is expected to contract this year and the real has plummeted 23% against the dollar.

2015年3月9日 星期一

【外文翻寫 / 中英對照新聞】攝影師鏡頭底下 奇特又融洽的中國工廠生活Photographer captures bizarre, intimate scenes of Chinese factory life

編譯︱ 中文二 廖純慧
校稿︱ 化學四 洪崇銘
來源:Shen Lu and Katie Hunt,CNN ( http://goo.gl/X0JW76)

The Lunar New Year is the only time of year China's army of migrant workers gets to go home.

Known as "chunyun," the annual travel crush is the world's largest migration of humans.

The lengths workers go to to see their families during the country's biggest holiday, which this year began February 19, is one facet of migrant worker life captured by factory hand turned photographer, Zhan Youbing.

For more than a decade, Zhan was himself one of China's 250-million strong "floating population" of migrant workers.

Originally from the rural, inland province of Hubei, he worked as a security guard in the factories that surround the southern boom town of Guangzhou, over a thousand kilometers away.
當時他離開原鄉湖北,在廣州發展繁榮的南方城鎮 其方圓一公里以外的工廠擔任保全人員。

Familiar ground

Now a professional photographer, he trains his camera lens on those he left behind.


"I have lived this life," he says. "So I know exactly what their situatio
ns are."

For the past 10 years, he has photographed workers in eight factories in Dongguan, a factory town near Guangzhou, documenting their life on and off the assembly lines.

The scenes Zhan has captured range from the bizarre to the intimate.

Workers take a nap on the assembly line. (勞工在生產線旁休息)

In one electronics factory, workers resembling astronauts -- their protective clothing only reveals their eyes -- take a quick nap. But he also shows a life where strong friendships are forged -- at a dormitory dinner party for example.

Dorm dinner party.(舍友晚餐大會)

He's taken more than 400,000 photos and they've been exhibited across the country. But he didn't go to any of the exhibitions.

"I didn't have the travel expenses," he says.

In November, he published a book called "I'm a Migrant Worker," a compilation of writing and more than 150 photos.

Insecure life 如履薄冰的生活

Zhan started taking photos for an internal factory publication in 2002. He then took vocational classes.

When he returned to his hometown for the Lunar New Year celebrations, he found photos a better way than words to describe life in the factory to his mother and mother-in-law.

Yet it was a deeper feeling of insecurity that drove him to keep documenting the life of migrant workers - a turbulent life over which they have little control.

"Sometimes, you want to jump ship for better pay at another factory shortly after starting your current job," Zhan says.

"Yet at other times when you want to stay on and settle down, you get fired or the factory gets taken over."

A sad cycle 悲歌循環播放

If photography meant self-fulfillment for Zhan in the early days, it is now more of a mission. He says the more photos he takes, the more deeply he understands the issues migrants face.

Zhan says he is particularly concerned about the plight of children left behind by parents.

Restrictions on housing, education and healthcare, make it hard for migrant workers to bring along their kids and they are often raised by grandparents, relatives or neighbors.

"The parents have devoted their lives to the manufacturing industry, but they barely get anything. Now their kids start entering the sad cycle."

Despite his success, Zhan thinks himself no different to a migrant worker and says the feeling of uneasiness from that time will never fade.

"I feel like rootless duckweed on a strange land."

What does ‘Migrant worker’ means ?
1. The workers who migrate in order to search for and/or participate in paid work.
2. The term migrant worker has different official meanings and connotations in different parts of the world. The United Nations' definition is very broad, essentially including anyone working outside of their home country. The term can also be used to describe someone who migrates within a country, possibly their own, in order to pursue work such as seasonal work.
~ Encyclopedia Americana Online
3. 參考/補充資料 政大圖書館-

1. turbulent (adj.)混亂的、騷亂的
2. forge (v.)鍛造、打製;偽造

3. compilation (n.)編輯()

2015年3月6日 星期五

【外文翻寫 / 中英對照新聞】

Tahland's Military Moves Closer To China

(FEBRUARY 06, 201511:45 AM ET)

By  National Public Radio News

編譯|法律一   吳家蓉 、彭苡晴
校閱|水保一   陳敬旻


(China's Defense Minister Chang Wanquan, left, and Thailand's Defense Minister Prawit Wongsuwan walk during a ceremony at the Ministry of Defense in Bangkok, Thailand on Friday.
Sakchai Lalit/AP)

Thailand's junta — smarting over U.S. criticism of last year's coup that ousted an elected government — has announced that it will strengthen military ties with China over the next five years.

An agreement with Beijing was announced during a two-day visit to Bangkok by China's defense minister, Chang Wanquan, reports Michael Sullivan. The two sides say they'll increase cooperation in intelligence-gathering and fighting transnational crime.

The Bangkok Post says: "China's Defense Minister Chang Wanquan also took pains to stress that Beijing has no plans to 'interfere' with Thailand's military regime, something the Thai government feels its long-time ally, the United States, did last month during the visit of a high-ranking diplomat."

The high-ranking diplomat in question, Daniel Russel, is the U.S. assistant secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific affairs. Russel sparked the ire of Prime Minister Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha's government last month with a speech at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University that criticized the government's crackdown on free expression and called for an end to martial law, which has been in force since the May coup.
前述之高級外交官,丹尼爾羅素,是美國對東亞和太平洋事務的助理國務卿。羅素在上個月觸怒了軍政府首領Prayuth Chan-ocha,其在曼谷朱拉隆功大學的演講批評政府對言論表意自由的打壓,並呼籲結束自五月政變以來一直有效的戒嚴。

"I'll be blunt here," Russel told the audience at Chulalongkorn, one of Thailand's most prestigious universities. "When an elected leader is deposed, impeached by the authorities that implemented the coup, and then targeted with criminal charges while basic democratic processes and institutions are interrupted, the international community is left with the impression that these steps could be politically driven."
泰國最負盛名的大學之一的朱拉隆功大學演講中, 羅素告訴觀眾:“我在這裡坦率地說”。“當一個民選領導人被引發政變的政府廢黜、彈劾,然後有針對性的指控和基本的民主進程和體制被中斷時,給國際社會留下的印象是這些步驟可以推動政治”

The remarks referred to the impeachment of twice-elected former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, whose government was ousted in the May putsch. Her impeachment came months after she was ousted and living in self-imposed exile.
言論指向當選兩次的前總理Yingluck Shinawatra,她的政府在五月政變的彈劾中被推翻,她被彈劾幾個月後,她被趕下台並生活在自我放逐之中。

After the speech, Thailand's deputy foreign minister summoned the U.S. embassy's charge d'affaires, W. Patrick Murphy, to express his concern over "a wound that the U.S. inflicted on Thai people."
演講結束之後,泰國外交副部長召見美國駐華使館的代辦W. Patrick Murphy,表達對於“美國人對泰國人造成的傷害”的關注。

Thailand's move is viewed as a possible shift away from Washington, even as the U.S. has hoped to pivot toward Asia.

The two countries are viewed as strong allies and closely cooperated during the Vietnam War, despite Thailand's revolving door of military governments. Even so, an annual joint military exercise between the two countries, known as Cobra Gold, is scheduled to go ahead as planned on Feb. 9, although Washington has scaled back the scope of it since the May 22 coup.

On Thursday in Washington, U.S. State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf said the U.S. would not fully reactivate its military alliance with Thailand until there has been a "full restoration both of the institutions of governance and justice as well as the full restoration of a duly democratically elected civilian government."
上周四在華盛頓,美國國務院副手發言人Marie Harf表示,美國不會完全恢復與泰國的軍事同盟,直到完全恢復治理和司法機構,即全面恢復正是民主民選的合法文職政府。

In addition to moving closer to China, Thailand's new leadership has also sought closer ties with neighboring Myanmar, which has its own history of military governments.


1.transnational crime (adj.) 跨國犯罪
2.impeachment (n.) 彈劾
3.putsch (n.) 叛亂
4.deputy (adj.) 代理的

2015年2月15日 星期日


Russia + North Korea = New BFF?

By Ivana Kottasova,CNN

編譯│ 水保一 白欣玉

原文: http://goo.gl/i9w5yc

Russia has found a new, unorthodox business partner: North Korea.

As its economy slides into recession and business opportunities in Europe and the U.S. dry up due to sanctions, Moscow has turned to Pyongyang.

The Russian Chamber of Commerce set up a special Council for Cooperation with North Korea this week. The goal is to increase trade between the two to $1 billion a year -- double the current level -- by 2020.
在本週,俄國商會為了和北韓的合作而設立一個特別的會議。目的是要增加兩國間的貿易, 兩國的目標是在2020年前達到每年增加至十億美金的貿易金額,為目前的兩倍。

As part of the agreement, Moscow will allow North Korean firms to set up accounts in Russian banks. In exchange, it will gain access to North Korea's mineral mines. The two countries agreed to trade exclusively in rubles.

Pyongyang also promised to ease up its visa process for Russian businessmen, who might be allowed to use the Internet and mobile phones while on business trips to the secretive state -- a luxury residents and other visitors can only dream of.

In another goodwill gesture towards Pyongyang, Russia canceled $10 billion of North Korea's $11 billion Soviet era debt in mid-2014.

To show the world just how chummy the two sides have become, Kim Jong Un is reportedly considering a trip to Russia to attend ceremonies marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.

1. unorthodox (adj.) 非正統的
2. Pyongyang (n.) (北韓首都)平壤
3. goodwill (n.) 善意

2015年2月14日 星期六


Valentine cupcakes

編譯︱中文一  陳怡彣

For the cakes(蛋糕部分)

125g/4oz unsalted butter, softened(軟化黃油 125克)
125g/4oz caster sugar(砂糖 125克)
2 free-range eggs(雞蛋 2顆)
125g/4oz self-raising flour(自發麵粉 125克)
150g/5oz raspberries(覆盆子 150克)
6 passion fruit, sieved pulp only(百香果 6顆,並去籽)
a little milk, to loosen the mixture as necessary(少許牛奶,鬆開混合物用)

For the icing(糖霜部分)
500g/1lb 1½oz icing sugar(糖粉 500克)
160g/5½oz butter(黃油 160克)
1 vanilla pod, seeds only(香草莢 1個,只留種子)
2-3 drops pink liquid food colouring(粉色食用色素 2至3滴)
50ml/1¾oz milk(牛奶 50毫升)
hundreds and thousands(裝飾用的小糖果)

Preparation method(準備方法)
1. For the cakes, preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Sit 12 paper cases in a muffin tray.( 蛋糕部分,先將烤箱預熱至180度C,放置12只紙殼到鬆餅盤中。)
2. Beat the butter and sugar in a bowl until pale and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, and beat until well combined.( 將奶油及糖在碗中打至發白、乳脂狀,再將蛋依序打入碗中,拌打至完全融合。)
3. Fold the flour, raspberries and passion fruit pulp into the mixture until almost smooth. If the mixture looks too stiff, add a little milk, as necessary.( 將麵粉、覆盆子和百香果肉裹進混合物中直到滑順,如果混合物過於生硬,加入少許牛奶。)
4. Divide the mixture among the paper cases then bake for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool in the tin for 10 minutes. Turn the cakes out onto a wire rack and set aside until completely cooled.( 將混合物分別倒入紙殼中並烘烤20分鐘。之後取出並擱置於烤盤中10分鐘使之冷卻。再將蛋糕放置於姊架上直到完全冷卻。)
5. For the icing, using an electric whisk, cream the icing sugar and butter together until light and fluffy. Whisk in the vanilla pod seeds and food colouring. Gradually whisk in enough milk to form a smooth paste.( 糖霜部分,用電動打蛋器將糖和黃油打成輕盈蓬鬆的糊狀物。拌入香草籽、食用色素。最後拌入足夠的牛奶形成滑順的糊狀物。)
6. Spoon the icing into a piping bag with a large star-shaped nozzle and pipe the icing over the cake. Sprinkle over the hundreds and thousands.( 將糖霜舀入有星狀開口的管狀袋中,並將糖霜擠到蛋糕上。撒上裝飾用的小糖果。)